About Impact World Change

Our mission is to alleviate the administrative burdens that often accompany the establishment and operation of ministries. By affiliating with Impact World Change, you gain access to a comprehensive suite of administrative services, including accounting, legal guidance, state and federal filings, donor tracking, marketing support, IT services, and more. This partnership enables us to receive donations on your behalf, facilitating financial support for your ministry’s growth. We charge a small fee for our administrative services. This ensures that you can focus on fulfilling God’s purpose without being overwhelmed by the intricacies of legal and financial matters.

Our Mission

Oikos Initiative

God has supernaturally and strategically placed 8 to 15 people in our relational worlds that we love, influence, and do life with…

One of the biggest differences between us and other organizations providing humanitarian support is that we have established relationships in the countries we serve that have been developed and maintained for over 20 years.

Love God. Love Your Neighbor.

The Oikos principle is God’s primary strategy for reaching OTHERS.

God invites us to become involved with Him in His work.

Do not invent ways to get involved. Look to support.

Serve with compassion, empathy, patience, and humility.